Knee Pain

Knee Pain

What is Knee Pain?
Knee pain can be related to overuse where small stresses are repeated a large number of times without allowing adequate recovery, for example running too much too soon, or excessive jumping.
What are the symptoms of Knee Pain?
Common symptoms of knee pain include; pain, stiffness, swelling, reduced movement, locking, instability and weakness of the knee.  These may arise during sport or afterwards at rest.  The pain may arise in various places around the knee joint, for example on the outer or inner side of the knee.
What are the causes of Knee Pain?
There are many causes of knee pain, ranging from a sudden injury during sport, such as a torn cartilage, to an overuse injury to the knee such as runner’s knee which will develop over time.
What should I do if I have Knee Pain?
An assessment with a podiatrist, physiotherapist or a surgical consultation may be required.  It is important to identify the cause of the knee pain and to pinpoint the specific problem.  Avoiding the offending activity until help has been sought is advisable.
What shouldn’t I do if I have Knee Pain?
‘Running through’ the pain is not advisable and should be avoided.  Jumping or running downhill should not be done as this may worsen symptoms.
Could there be any long term effects of Knee Pain?
Damage to the knee over a long period of time may eventually lead to osteoarthritis of the knee.  Depending on the cause of the knee pain, surgical intervention may be necessary, for example where the cartilage is badly torn as a result of a sporting injury.
Podiatry treatment for Knee Pain
Orthotics (shoe inserts) can be provided for the individual with knee pain.  These have a built in arch support that helps to control pronation (uncontrolled lowering of the arch during running).  This helps to reduce stress on the knees.  Your podiatrist can advise on your training regime and footwear.

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